Why Norway Has More Electric Cars Than The U.S.

Why Norway Has More Electric Cars Than The U.S.

There was a recent documentary on this subject on CNBC, but they left out some very key points:

  • Norway has the 4th highest GDP per capita in the world, per citizen they are richer than the U.S., so can afford the subsidies for electric cars.
  • They have achieved this by exporting oil to the rest of the world who burn it, so they’re not exactly clean.
  • The most popular electric car in Norway is the Tesla, which was developed by U.S.-based engineers and capital, subsidized by U.S. tax credits and low-interest rates via Quantitative Easing, confiscating the purchasing power of the average U.S. citizen.
  • It is a much smaller country than the U.S. rolling out charging infrastructure is much cheaper, and range of a concern.