Incorrect Assumptions Of The Futurists

Incorrect Assumptions Of The Futurists

I started a talk from Jeff Booth on AI, I couldn’t keep watching, there were too many demonstrably false assumptions and things that are philosophically untrue for me to keep watching what he was saying. Here are a few based on the following video:

  • Bitcoin is not unique and unstoppable. There are an infinite number of crypto currencies and an infinite number of proof of work crypto currencies and an infinite number of cryptos based on the exact same algorithm is Bitcoin. It is not digital gold. Gold is finite, it cannot be reproduced, nor can its block chain (the laws of physics) be forked or duplicated.
  • Growth in technology and demographics is often logistics based not exponential.
  • The marginal cost of production is not zero, there is a marginal cost to housing, electronics and even software (support / maintenance / power / marketing) etc.